This post has been sponsored by Dunkin’ At Home. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you so much for supporting the sponsors that make Glitter, Inc. possible! Juggling a family and this . . . Read the Post
Blogging 101: Choosing a Name that Fits, Part Two
I've teamed up with Name.Kitchen for a two-part blogging series to talk blogging and creating the perfect site name. (You can read my first post detailing How to Choose the Right Blog and Business . . . Read the Post
The Business of Blogging: Knowing When to Go Back to Basics
Tuning in with another business of blogging post: today it's all about getting back to basics. I actually wrote this post in a frenzy after reading an e-mail from GroopDealz. (More on that below.) If . . . Read the Post
Blogging 101: Choosing a Name that Fits
I've teamed up with Name.Kitchen for a two-part sponsored blog series to talk blogging and creating the perfect site name. Happy learning! Blogging 101: Choosing a Name that Fits Choosing the right . . . Read the Post
Glitter Giveaways: $750 Amazon Gift Card
I am SO stinkin' excited to share that I have partnered with a few great bloggers to bring you one really huge giveaway; a $750 Amazon Gift Card to be exact. As a new mom, I can't believe how much . . . Read the Post
Weekend Outings: From Farmer’s Market to Yoga
Now that Scarlett has passed the two-month mark, hubby and I have started to (slowly) venture out of the house with her. We usually save our outings for shorter activities on the weekends, and first . . . Read the Post
30 Days of Beautiful
Ever since announcing my pregnancy, and really, probably long before that, I've had trouble slowing down. If anything, with baby on the way, I've sped up and added more and more to my "to do" list, . . . Read the Post
The Possibility of Moving to NYC
I'm going to preface this post by admitting that I am kind of crazy. And I kind of maybe plan way too far in advance. (You know, as if a baby on the way, plus two jobs, wasn't enough to . . . Read the Post
Gift Guide {The Blogger}
Over the next few weeks I'll be sharing gift guides for everyone special in your lives. I (not so) secretly LOVE putting together these gift guides - it's an excuse to online shop, without the guilt . . . Read the Post
Blogging + The Law (An E-Book)
It's here! It's finally here! The legal e-book I wrote for The B Bar is officially live, and I couldn't be more excited.* When Victoria and Meg approached me a few months back, asking if I would be . . . Read the Post
New York Fashion Week, Part 2
Today I'm back with the rest of my New York Fashion Week adventure; first up, Lincoln Center ... Sunday morning I was up bright and early to attend the Lela Rose show at Lincoln Center. I . . . Read the Post
New York Fashion Week, Part 1
I'm interrupting the Glitter, Inc. launch giveaways to share with you the awesome-ness that was New York Fashion Week, the condensed version, part one. In case it wasn't obvious through my frenzied . . . Read the Post
New York Fashion Week
Last year was my first time at New York Fashion Week. I went for about four days and I was overwhelmed with the options, the excitement, the who-you-knows and who-you'd-love-to-bes, the events I went . . . Read the Post
Shopping for the Perfect Bed #Choiceisyours
Sometimes we get so focused on making things look pretty (I'm totally to blame here), we forget to consider comfort, functionality, a good night's rest, for example. I've been dreaming up a new . . . Read the Post
Grown-up School Supplies
I was always one of those (super geeky) kids who relished at the chance at the end of every August to pick out my shiny new school supplies. I loved the idea of a fresh start, and glitter gel pens. . . . Read the Post
The Weekend Edition
Happy weekend! I woke up this morning - Saturday - and breathed a huge sigh of relief. I definitely had one of those weeks. But for every bad week, there's always a weekend, and just before the . . . Read the Post
Summer Classic: T-Shirt + Shorts
The easiest Summer default outfit has got to be the classic t-shirt and shorts combination. And though I'm not typically a shorts and shirt kind of girl, I happily accepted the challenge. I decided . . . Read the Post
Bumps in the Road
This weekend was stressful. I had to make an emergency visit to my doctor on Friday (thankfully, all looks a-okay) and I have a big annual scan on Monday that scares me every time. (Once you've had . . . Read the Post
Hitting the Refresh Button
I can't believe our vacation has rolled to a close and today is my first day back in the real world: coffee, law office, blogging, and all. But this trip was actually so refreshing for me. . . . Read the Post
Headed to London … and Italy
The time has finally come: in just a few hours I'll be boarding a plane with hubby and far too many pairs of shoes for a two-week trip, en route to London. I'll be tweeting, instagramming, and . . . Read the Post
The Weekend Edition
This weekend, the plan is to stay in, catch up on work, make popcorn, watch movies (otherwise the popcorn would be lonely), and play supportive wife (hubby's thesis defense is in two-and-a-half weeks, . . . Read the Post
Confessions of a Shopaholic
I'm starting a new series: Confessions of a Shopaholic. In part, it may be for self-preservation. Maybe if I get it out there into the universe - all of the stuff that I can't stop drooling over - . . . Read the Post
Scenes From the Weekend
After landing Friday night post-two-day-whirlwind at the Target Headquarters in Minneapolis, we greeted my cousin and his wife at our house just before another packed weekend. Saturday morning we had . . . Read the Post
The Great Big Alt Summit Recap
This past Monday morning I arrived back in Miami on the heels of my first ever whirlwind Alt Summit experience. My mind is racing, my to-do lists are long, and I'm fired up and ready to re-brand . . . Read the Post