Earlier this month Rachel Zoe shared an interesting approach at her own workplace: an in-office nursery. Since becoming a mom, Rachel has managed to actively include her kids in her career, bringing . . . Read the Post
We’re Moving to North Carolina!
I still can hardly believe the big news. On Friday, after years of unbelievably hard work, an MD and a PhD, my husband matched at Duke. (You can read all about the Medical Residency Match process and . . . Read the Post
Weekday Edition: The Work Week Look
Get the work week look: MADEWELL Log Cabin Cardigan: I'm guilty of wearing a cardigan ... everywhere. But thankfully, it's cool to wear a sweater in an office, or when sitting behind a laptop. . . . Read the Post
The Weekend Edition
This weekend plans changed unexpectedly; the good kind of change. We were going to continue prepping for a huge trial we're starting on Monday (being a lawyer is not always so glamorous), but . . . Read the Post
The Working Couple
Hubby and I have found ourselves in the thick of what we like to call "workaholics syndrome". I touched on this here, but I'm curious to know what you all do to combat . . . Read the Post
What to Wear to Work this Fall
I'm a working girl. It feels so funny to say that, but after three years practicing as an attorney, I'd say it's probably real now. (Sort of.) A professional wardrobe has always been a bit of a . . . Read the Post