If you follow along here on the blog or on social media, you’ll know that hubby and I are big fans of exploring our new home and the surrounding areas here in Durham. Because hubby works a lot (you can read more about the life of a medical resident here), we try to carve out special events and fun things to do when he does get a day off here and there. Strawberry picking has been high on my “to do” list since moving to North Carolina, and we finally had the chance to sneak away for a bit to visit the much talked about Waller Family Farm to pick strawberries.
Waller Family Farm is a real working strawberry, vegetable, chicken, and cattle farm right between Durham and Chapel Hill. I was amazed at how convenient the farm was to us, and how easy it was to find, nestled into a few beautiful neighborhoods in Durham.
By the way, strawberry picking at Waller usually starts around the last week of April, and goes through May and into June.
Although plenty of people came out to the strawberry farm over the weekend, Waller has it down to a system, and we had free reign of a couple of rows to pick away.
Scarlett was in heaven – seriously, it was like she hit the strawberry lottery – and basically spent the whole time eating as many strawberries as we could pick.
After we picked plenty of strawberries, we explored the farm grounds and Scarlett was thrilled to say “hi” to the cows and the chickens.
Notice the bright red strawberry juice all over Scarlett. Clearly, she had a good time.
There’s also a small area where you can buy jams, bread, fresh vegetables that are in season, and freshly cut flowers.
Visiting the Triangle in the fall? Millstone Creek Orchards in North Carolina is one of our favorites for apple picking, hayrides, and family fun!
I’ve always wanted to go strawberry picking! We have a couple places here in Michigan that I discovered after strawberry season was over last year. I’m hoping to go this year!
xx Jennifer
Effortlessly Sophisticated