Lately you may have noticed that after some of my Instagram snaps, I share a stream of phrases: something like, link, #liketkit and @liketkit. Essentially, any time I share a photo of something shoppable, i.e., a new pair of sandals or what I’m wearing in the photo, you can shop that Instagram picture individually. I promise, this gets simple. The new platform is called LiketoKNOWit. You sign up here, plop in your email and sync it with your Instagram (it literally takes two minutes) and it will send you emails featuring the products from images you like.
How to use it:
- Sign up! Go to and sign in with your Instagram account. (All you have to do is enter in your email address.)
- Get Liking! Click “like” on a #liketkit image and you’ll get all the details about where to shop your favorite items. You’ll notice a lot of bloggers and major websites are starting to include a link, #liketkit and @liketkit on their Instagram photos. This means that the blogger/publication has enabled the service, and shoppable items from images that you have liked will be sent to you in a super convenient email (every hour, day, or week… based upon your preferences.)
- Check your email! Once you like a photo, the details will be sent to you via email. (By the way, if you want instant gratification, you can always just click the link in the Instagram photo … it will send you directly to a page where you can shop right away. I told you it was easy!)
And be sure to follow along @glitterinclexi. That’s all! Let me know how it goes (and happy shopping.)
I love liketkit! I save the emails for blog inspiration too!
Heidi D.