Summer is drawing to an end and there's a (rather distinct) chill to the air. We're headed to an apple orchard this weekend and odds are, I'll return home with an armful of pumpkins. It is September, . . . Read the Post
Little Love Notes + Our Last Weekend in North Carolina
Happy (almost) weekend!! This will officially be our LAST WEEKEND here in North Carolina. We leave super early next Saturday morning to road trip up to Massachusetts. Can you believe it?? Time has . . . Read the Post
Little Love Notes + The Best Advice Ever Received
Happy Friday!! We're currently in Chicago for a medical conference that hubby is attending (and presenting a poster at!) This is our second time in Chicago in the last couple of months and I've . . . Read the Post
Little Love Notes + A Moving Update
Happy (almost) weekend, friends! This is the first weekend in many that we'll actually be staying put here in North Carolina, which is a good thing, since the big move is just 7-ish weeks away and we . . . Read the Post
Little Love Notes
It's here!! This afternoon we drive to Biltmore for a long weekend stay and I could not be more excited. Scarlett is equally excited to stay at "the castle" and I think we're all just over the moon to . . . Read the Post
Little Love Notes + Old School Beauty Hacks
Happy (almost) weekend!! We have a fun and busy weekend planned, complete with a visit from hubby's sister and her husband. The girls are super excited! We're also trrrrryyyyyying to tackle the purge . . . Read the Post
Little Love Notes + How to Wake Up Smiling
Happy Friday, friends! It's been a busy week. We're definitely starting to ramp up packing and getting our house ready to list (!!!), and we're still researching schools and places to live . . . Read the Post