We’re in North Carolina now after a quick visit home to Miami (trip recap coming soon!) and back in the swing of things (sort of!), because we’re actually launching into one crazy week. I promise to share more details as soon as we know them, but we’re moving to Durham, North Carolina. So many long conversations, telephone calls, e-mails, and hours of research went into this decision, but for now, we’re packing machines, on the phone with every apartment complex imaginable on the hunt for temporary housing. Although it feels like a monumental task – to move our little family from one city to the next, over and over again – I feel this huge relief in our decision. That’s pretty telling; I hope! Of course hubby works all week, so he’s been packing late at night (Such a trooper!) and I’m arranging the big pack-and-move with a toddler in hand. Yikes. Any packing/moving war stories? I need to hear its going to be okay!
I have so much great Spring and Summer content coming your way, with lots of great shoots in store, but in the midst of it all, we’re climbing over boxes and making it happen. Bear with us through the chaos. Fingers crossed all goes smoothly!
image via PopSugar (Photography by Mark Popovich)
Happy Mother’s Day!! Good luck with the move! Follow your gut! I’m sure this is for the best. xo
Mel | http://www.thegossipdarling.com