Dianna Baros of The Budget Babe has built her very own blogging empire, with the girl-on-a-budget in mind. Her goal: helping readers look “fab without a fortune.” The Budget Babe’s breakdown of celebrity looks for less are my favorite, since I basically want to dive into some combination of Rachel Bilson, Reese Witherspoon, Ashley Tisdale, and Kourtney Kardashian’s wardrobes at all times. Check out how Dianna stays organized and gets it all done …
1. Take us through a busy day in the life of a full-time blogger.
Email, research and write mid-day post, more email, research and write afternoon post, email, research and write the next day’s morning post. Mix in a healthy dose of tweeting, instagramming, phone calls and field research aka shopping!
2. What’s your go-to day-to-day planner of choice? Are you a pen-to-paper kind of girl or is it all technology for you?
I hand write daily to-do lists; the rest is on my iPhone. I depend on iCal and Google calendar.
3. What one tech accessory can you not live without?
Definitely my iPhone and my MacBook Pro. That’s two, oops!
4. Is your organization more OCD or organized chaos?
Organized chaos. Sometimes just chaos.
5. How do you get and/or stay inspired?
My readers inspire me. I love seeing what they’re wearing, buying, Instagramming, tweeting. Plus I get a lot of great reader email that keeps me thinking and challenges me every day.
6. How do you organize and keep all of your inspiration?
I try to post when inspiration strikes because otherwise you might find someone else post your idea the next day if you wait too long! But of course it’s impossible to keep up with everything, so I store ideas using Pinterest as well as an old-school giant collage on my office wall.
7. Where do you get your best work done?
In my office. It’s small but cozy, with lots of windows and light.
8. Any advice for fellow creative ladies trying to achieve the balance between work, blogging, and reaching their goals?
Have fun and set limits. I had my husband set up my internet so it cuts off automatically at 7pm each night. Once it’s off, it’s off! I try to “disconnect” on the weekends, too. It’s tough sometimes but so important.
[To learn more about The Organized Creative Series – a look inside the organized (or not always so organized!) lives of our favorite creative types – bloggers, designers, event planners, artists, chefs, social media gurus, and beyond – check out the original post.]
Love this interview! Great tips for bloggers!
So glad you like it!
This is a really good interview. I especially like that she cuts off her internet at 7pm I don’t know if I could do that though. I’ve always been more productive late at night.
Aww, so glad you like it! I was so impressed that she was able to turn OFF her internet, but I don’t think I could do it!
Nice interview, I love organising apps they are so helpful. 🙂