Remember that time I went to New York Fashion Week? It’s been three days, and I’m still in fashion shock. The mostly good kind of shock.
In a nutshell, fashion week is crazy long days, espresso, followed by champagne, stunning fashion, amazing swag bags, sore feet, tiny hotel rooms, meeting after meeting, brilliant fashion pioneers and trendsetters, and sore feet (yep, that one gets two slots in the NYFW hall of fame.)
I’m from a big town (shout out to Miami!): I’m used to traffic and crowds, and heat. But nothing could have prepared me for the marathon that is NYC during fashion week … in September. Let’s start with the shoes — one must never remove their heels. One must manage perfectly-coifed hair on little sleep, maximum humidity, long days, longer nights, and the subway system. While we’re on the subject of the subway system, I recognize how fabulous it is to have an organized public transportation system, but I know little to nothing about the city — tunnels underground lead everywhere, those subway doors close fast, and the world’s most interesting people and also most insane play the fiddle and demand hamburger money on every car (which I willingly offer up, because, hey, we all need a hamburger sometimes.) One must carry everything, leaving room for a change of shoes (which I couldn’t manage to figure out until the end of my trip) and excess swag. A hair iron could have been helpful too. A back-up phone battery is essential — there is an actual line of bloggers for wall sockets, as a place to charge your weary iPhone is a hot commodity. What’s worse, in NYC, many stores guard their wall sockets. Hot commodity, people. One must understand that three days, a week, two weeks, it’s never enough. Once you’re in New York, the invitations just seem to roll on in, and you’re torn and tired, but more torn than tired. You miss a lot, which is frustrating and sad, but also you know that f you don’t give yourself just thirty minutes of quality shopping time in New York City, then what kind of shopper are you, really? Also, eat deli. It’s heaven. Stay hydrated. Don’t be afraid to hail a cab when you’re feet hurt … the subway will only make your feet hurt more (stairs … many many stairs underground.) Bring power bars, and chocolate. Screw the diet, drink the champagne.
Any other NYFW advice for the newbies?
You are hilarious! Well, real new yorkers change their shoes on their daily commutes, why ruin the heels? 🙂 but NYFW is a different story, rules do not apply, so the shoes stay on. hahaha. loved the comment about the plugs, I’m always looking for one! Next time you are in NY we must grab a drinks!
Aww thank you! I’m so sorry I missed you – never even put two-and-two together that you were in NY!
oh my gosh, it sounds like bootcamp!! i don’t know if i could survive. that being said, i’m still dying to go! xoxo
Oh no, don’t let me scare you! It was a lot, but also so amazing and rewarding, I promise!
Man, the moment I couldn’t see Lincoln Center anymore the roll up flats came out. But man o man if I was there I just had to suffer through god forbid someone photograph me in roll up flats haha. The subway is usually my bff and my favorite way of getting around this trip I was like psh, cab cab cab. I don’t think I’ve used cabs this much even when I lived in NYC. Definitely wishing my backup battery hadn’t broken before my trip because I was totally scoping out any and all outlet situations daily.
Loved getting the inside scoop here!! Thanks for all the info. I really really MUST go to FW in March. I didn’t think about it but I bet wall sockets are a super hot commodity. That’s so funny. I can imagine your feet hurting so badly and def. will remember to bring some flats. I have NO idea how to get around on the subway in NY so maybe I need a practice round. Were the other bloggers nice? Sometimes I feel like I’m in HS with some bloggers…xoxo
I so wish I could’ve gone to NYFW this year! This is a great post on attending for the first time. I’m hoping my first time will be in February!! It’s nice to “meet” another blogger from South Florida. xo
So nice to “meet” you too! Definitely let me know the next time you plan to go to NYC … I really want to go again and again!
i love this! i think this advice is perfect for nyc ALL the time (not just fashion week). now that i live here, it seems normal to me to carry flats and granola bars and a full makeup kit in my bag all day. it’s crazy and intense and amazing all at once!
I just discovered your blog today and absolutely love it. Even though I was not in NYFW I loved reading about it…what an amazing experience.
That is SO nice to hear — thank you!! NYFW was crazy and amazing – definitely worth going to one day.
It sounds both glorious and awful at the same time! Thanks for giving us a REAL peak at NYFW
That’s probably the perfect description of it – “glorious and awful” – but definitely more glorious than awful! 🙂
Didn’t attend, but totally feel the experience through this post! Great write up by the way. Glad I found your blog!
Welcome and thank you!!
hahah awesome account of nyfw!