{Note: Photo taken on Iphone (and not the one with fancy flash feature). Fancy camera is packed away. Fancy camera’s charger is packed away in a different box. The brilliant idea to label boxes didn’t occur to me until later. Also, many of my labels say things like “stuff” and feature artwork – stars, hearts, bubbles, and clouds – for the movers’ enjoyment. Packing fail.}
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Susie Denegree says
OMG, I ALWAYS label a box or two ‘whips and chains’ or ‘ball-gags’ just to mess with the movers! Love it!
www.StarHughes.com says
Aw moving is the worst! Except I bet you’ll have fun reorganizing and unpacking all of your knickknacks. That’s always my favorite part!
Star Hughes Living
Becks says
Like everyone else, I hate moving, too! After spending hours wrapping the hubs’ shot glass collection during the last move, I made him promise to hire the kind of movers that pack all of your stuff for you. I don’t even care if I have to sell my soul and give up my first newborn. It’s totally worth it.
glitter&pearls says
WAIT A MINUTE – there are movers who PACK up your stuff? This exists? Soul sold.
Becks says
Right?! Yeah, I would obviously pack up my own “anything with any special meaning whatsoever,” but as for the rest of my junk that I’ve accumulated in near-hoarding fashion . . . sign me up. Maybe next time?
xo Becks