A few weeks back I shared a couple of photos on Instagram from an Indian Bread-Making class I attended and I got so many questions about the class I was taking. Then this past weekend I went to Indian Cooking Class number two, and I decided to share my love of classes with you. So here goes … I loved school. I mean, really really loved school. (Yep, I was that kid.) It’s the main reason I went to law school after college (though law school is a bit more terrifying, it was fulfilling) and I just couldn’t see myself without school after graduating.
I love to learn. I need to learn. I need to be stimulated, and I need to try new things, and I need to broaden my horizons … all of the time. I came by this trait honestly. Both of my parents are education-pushers, and both taught us four kids to try new things. We were always fearless kids. We were sipping cuban coffee and eating sushi before we could swim, we each tried painting and soccer and dance and writing and whatever else looked cool in the summer and community college catalogs. My mom and I used to travel to these sewing and crafting conferences – my mom is a crafter extraordinaire (she quilts, she sews, she gardens, she paints … she’s basically really stinking cool). I’d go with her and take these crazy intensive courses, like basket-weaving and fabric-dyeing. Seriously, I can weave a basket.
Even now, I’m always trying to learn more. I read books on blogging, I attend conferences, I’m still constantly trying to get published, I want to write a book, I want to go to graduate school (the tough part is picking just one subject), I want to travel.
And my life now, life as a grown-up, is busy and hectic, and I usually forget to do those things for myself; but my mom (thank goodness for her), she forces us to try something new, no matter how small, at least every few months. This Fall, my mom, brother, and I are on an Indian Cooking kick, and it’s been so much fun. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to replicate a single thing in my own kitchen, but I’ve learned to try all sorts of new spices, and I’m eating well on the weekends. It’s also been really nice to play with my mom and my little brother, and it gets me away from my laptop (which typically sits on my lap every week-night and all weekend long). By the way, if you’re in the Miami area, you have got to take an Indian Cooking class with Ayesha – she’s amazing and talented and the classes are fantastic. (A few shots from our Vegetarian cooking class … )
The point is, keep learning. Keep growing. I’m the queen of letting my crazy schedule define my life at times; but I won’t be one of those “busy” people. I don’t want to be someone who’s so busy, they forget to live. That’s just no fun.
Print Image by Ideal Bookshelf // Indian Cooking Class Photos by Lexi, Glitter, Inc.
Alyssa says
I was just talking with my friend yesterday about how much we both MISS learning–so I totally get where you’re coming from! I’m looking into taking classes around the city…and a cooking class would be an amazing bonus.
Lexi says
I definitely miss it! You’d be surprised how many great classes every community has. 🙂
Kayla says
You are such an inspiration Lexi! Love you to pieces!
Lexi says
Yay, Kayla – you’re the best – thank you!!
FripperyVintage says
I totally agree love to learn new things. I really want to take Italian lessons!
best of BKLYN says
This looks like such a fun class! I really miss learning, too. I just signed up to take this (free) online, month-long class about President Kennedy, and I’m really excited about it!
Lexi says
Oooh a free online class? Tell me more!
Ashley says
I need to take some cooking classes and have been wanting to do it for some time. I better get on it 🙂
Sincerely Miss Ash
Lexi says
You definitely should! It’s a great way to learn and you get to practice and try new things at home. 🙂
Rachel says
What an inspiring post! You are making me want to read a new book asap!
Lexi says
So glad to hear it!!
sahra says
LOVE THIS! I too love learning, always have, and
I admire that you do too! Someday I hope I have the finances and time to be able to take more classes, but for now I’m constantly reading and studying things online in my downtime to grow!
XO Sahra
Que Sera, Sahra
Lexi says
You’d be surprised how many great free classes there are online and in your community!
Rebecca says
I love your blog! I am a new follower!
Lexi says
Yay, I am SO excited to hear that! Happy to have you!