I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Anne of The Satirical Stylist in the way most blogger friendships are formed – via Twitter. Anne is is tenacious and fashion forward and when I read her blog, I feel like I’m having a conversation with her (which I absolutely love!) She also liberally speaks in French soundbites and wears leopard print like a rockstar. Is it any wonder I adore her?
We did a bit of a guest blog swap, so check out my interview here.
A bit about Anne …
1. How did you come up with the name of your blog?
It was actually my friend Holly who came up with it. I knew I wanted the word stylist but didn’t want to be mistaken for a serious platform only for those who stumble across to be disappointed, Holly came up with Satirical which felt perfect.
2. How did you get started in blogging? Is it blogging full-time or part-time for you?
I started my first blog in 2009. I was learning to cope with the NY dating scene and my writing reflected this; it was quite scandalous. I began to feel guilty about my bitter/overly-open self and stopped typing. I missed blogging and began to write again March last year. Blogging is part time, I write every evening on average I would say I spend between 2 to 4 hours a day on my blog.
3. I know you do a lot of freelance writing, for those of us trying to break into writing careers, how did you get started? How is it working out?
I got into this through my old roommate in NY, he had suggested I do some work for him at the time but I already had enough on. When I got back to the UK I was looking for work and asked if his offer still stood, which it did. My freelance lifestyle is perfect for the minute. I am trying to move out of my current city and am looking for an office based situation, being freelance ensures that I don’t end up getting tied to anything while I look. I also enjoy the freedom, I can travel around and take my laptop too.
However, I am always broke and find the self-motivation part really tricky. I am defs ready for some structure!
4. What’s your favorite trend this season? What’s your least favorite trend?
I am enjoying patterned jeans and am not into maxi dresses or skirts.
5. How long does it take you to get a ready for a date? (I take hours!)
Hmmm I will have to have a think about this… I don’t think it takes me much longer than my usual getting ready, although this would depend if I’m washing my hair and if the weather is messing with what I want to wear. My makeup regime is so dull, I wear the same thing for day, dates or nights out… Except for less blotted out red lippy and more eyeliner (I want to change this.) I would say 30/40 mins if I concentrate and don’t get sidetracked.
6. What’s the last book you read?
I just finished The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. I liked it, I think. It was all a bit odd, I couldn’t tell if i was being swept away or standing at the sidelines.
7. What is your favorite retail shop (online or in store)?
I suppose Topshop, it’s affordable and always a good fit.
8. Heels or Flats?
Flats, I love boots. Especially ankle boots, I think heels and wedges look fab but I like to feel steady when I walk and in heels I don’t.
9. What is your favorite Disney movie? (I swear you can tell a lot about a person based on which Disney Princess they grew up adoring!)
Dumbo was my fave, although I’m not sure what a male elephant says about me… As i got older Aerial and Jasmine were my fave princesses.
10. If you could steal any Celebrity’s wardrobe, who’s would it be and why?
Automatically Kate Moss springs to mind. I have long admired Kate’s style I love her anti-trend looks, she wears what she wants and her clothes are almost always spot on.
11. What is your dream couture item?
A vintage chanel jacket would do nicely.
12. And if you could only wear one designer for the rest of your life (and money was no object, haha), what designer would you live in?
At the minute I am obsessed with Swedish label Acne, I want just about everything. However I think Chanel would be better for the long-haul. I like the idea of being a glam granny (or great aunt).
I love reading Q and A’s…I know, I’m a dork! I also love reading about other single lady bloggers…..so many are married and I can’t help but feel jealous of their double income. Can’t wait to go read your interview!
Awww…I like her! Probably because she’s rocking so much leopard! 🙂 I’m going to go read yours now!
Really loved this post, and her blog is so cute!