I've teamed up with Name.Kitchen for a two-part blogging series to talk blogging and creating the perfect site name. (You can read my first post detailing How to Choose the Right Blog and Business . . . Read the Post
The Great Big Alt Summit Recap
This past Monday morning I arrived back in Miami on the heels of my first ever whirlwind Alt Summit experience. My mind is racing, my to-do lists are long, and I'm fired up and ready to re-brand . . . Read the Post
New Years Resolutions/Goals
I've always sort of loathed new years resolutions, not because I'm against having goals in place, but simply because I think resolutions add too much pressure. We build up so much expectation for . . . Read the Post
Day-in-the-life: Blogshop #Lumix
Over the weekend I finally got the chance to attend Blogshop. (Cue me jumping up and down with joy.) For anyone with a creative blog, business, or both, Blogshop is a must. I brought along my new . . . Read the Post