Sticky Fingers’ Vegan Sweets: 100 Super-Secret Vegan Recipes by Doron Petersan
Sticky Fingers’ Vegan Sweets: 100 Super-Secret Vegan Recipes by Doron Petersan
We stumbled upon Sticky Fingers Bakery a little over a year ago on a trip to D.C. We were hunting for vegan goodies since our oldest, Scarlett, is allergic to milk protein. Then our friend made the most delicious Oreo cake for Scarlett’s third birthday this past summer and it was SO good – seriously, everyone at the party was freaking out over this cake. I had to ask for her recipe. She happily told me it was from the Sticky Fingers vegan cookbook. The very same Sticky Fingers we had gone to on our trip to D.C. So of course, I scooped up the cookbook and let me tell you, everything I’ve made from the cookbook so far has been incredibly yummy; as in, you’d never know it was vegan.